IHP's ESG vision

IHP is currently going through a period of change, yet during these changing times, we want to ensure that we maintain enduring values. We have therefore created an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework, which we believe will allow us to solidify, clarify and share our foundational aims and objectives with others.

What is an ESG vision?

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. These are called pillars in ESG frameworks and represent the three main topic areas that companies and organisations are expected to report in. The goal of ESG is to capture all the non-financial risks and opportunities inherent in our day-to-day activities.

An ESG framework examines the internal makeup of an organisation, in addition to the external work it completes in the world, through the lens of its environmental activity, its social values and sustainability impact, as well as its governance.

How did we put this framework together?

We established this framework by involving all staff members through the convening of working groups, avoiding the classic top-down approach. This approach, we believe, has produced richer dividends. For example, in looking at our internal ‘environmental’ approach, we uncovered good work and plenty of energy around this but realised there is a lot more we could explore such as working with our office providers in assessing energy providers and ensuring a broad range of recycling options. We also engaged our Board from the word go, recognising that they should hold us to account for our progress and, of course, they play a critical role in our governance - the G of ESG.  We had reason to feel somewhat ‘advanced’ when we first approached the governance advice around ESG as IHP had been using the Charity Governance Code for a while to plan our Board agendas and self-assess our approach. However, complacency is a dangerous thing as we all know! Like all organisations, our work around issues such as equality, diversity and inclusion for instance is no quick fix, and a programme of work is needed.

What about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Perhaps most significant, was our analysis of sustainability – the S of ESG - looking through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This approach has given us the opportunity to recognise not just the value of the work we are engaged in but also the extent of our impact. SDG3 (that of seeking to promote good health and well-being) is the goal most directly associated with our work. After all IHP’s mission is to ‘serve those in need by providing long-dated and first-quality donated healthcare products’. However, we have found that, in achieving this, we have also supported the fulfilment of additional SDGs. For example, in the battle against malnutrition in the Horn of Africa, we have also contributed towards SDG2 - a world in which hunger ceases to exist. By providing de-worming tablets, we can support inclusive education (SDG4), ensuring vulnerable children can reach their potential. Moreover, SDG1 aims to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030.  As we have worked on this first ESG framework, we have been reminded that freely disseminating medicines to those most in need helps break the vicious poverty cycle and provides patients with economic agency.

The ESG framework has revealed to us the interconnectivity of the SDGs in relation to our work. The more successful we are in satisfying one SDG, the better able we are to meet the criteria set by all the others. Our ESG statement, which can be found here, draws on our desire to be faithful stewards of God’s world.

What's next?

It is these values and our vision for a world in which all suffering due to lack of healthcare is eradicated that will fuel our implementation of the ambition in our first ESG framework. We want our organisation to be a force for good in the world, and the ESG lens allows us to view and assess ourselves from the inside out. That means we will be reviewing everything from staff morale to our impact on the SDGs. The ESG framework is one of the tools we are utilising to make this happen. Why not tell us about your ESG journey and how we can work together? Oh, and by the way that’s SDG 17 – partnership for the goals!

Help us deliver access to medicine all year round

Join our giving community and help us transform the health outlook of families every single month.

See how your donation makes a difference

£5 can help us to give 15 people treatment

£20 will provide 16 children with antibiotics

£100 will provide 83 pregnant women with life saving medicine.

£450 will provide am emergency medical kit to 60 families.

Whatever you give, you could be making a life-changing, even life-saving difference to someone every month.

See how your donation makes a difference

£5 is enough to source and send £600 worth of medical supplies a year to people in need; enough to help approximately 50 people around the world.

£10 is enough to source and send £1,200 worth of medical supplies a year to people in need; enough to help approximately 100 people around the world.

£25 is enough to provide around 750 treatments in a year, helping approximately 250 people in need; and for some, is the difference between life & death.

£100 is enough to provide medicines and supplies for approximately 1,000 people a year living in disaster-hit and vulnerable communites.

Whatever you give, you could be making a life-changing, even life-saving difference to someone every month.

Help us deliver access to medicine all year round

Join our giving community and help us transform the health outlook of families every single month.

From fundraising to delivering medicines, you can also support our vital work in other ways.

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